Each week we'll interrogate the contradictions of the human experience, exploring how our insatiable pursuit of pleasure intersects with the inevitability of our own mortality.

From the corridors of art galleries, to the pages of literature, and even the barren wastelands of my medical charts, we’ll traverse through diverse landscapes of culture, creativity, grief, and healing.

Expect a bit of discomfort, a lot of sarcasm, and as always, a healthy dose of hedonism.


Hello, my name is Corinne and in 2021 I was diagnosed with Stage II invasive ductal carcinoma, a type of breast cancer. I spent the next two years in cancer treatment, fighting for my life, but also learning to accept my mortality. But I’ve had enough group-therapy introductions to bore the both of us.

I’ve worked in the funeral industry at a historic cemetery for nearly a decade. I began my career as a volunteer natural burial scout–looking for extra spaces between lots where people could be buried in a more sustainable manner. 7 years later into my career I manage the Death Education program at the cemetery I work at, as well as a number of other projects advancing sustainable death care and consumer choice at the end-of-life.

My work is deeply informed by my values of racial, sexual, and class liberation and environmental stewardship–all topics that have a deep intersectionality with end-of-life care and disposition.

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You also will get access to one bonus post a month as well as full access to the once-a-week newsletter release and publication archives.

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A cancer-survivor's writings about self and death acceptance


Corinne Elicona is an independent scholar known for her expertise in death studies and end-of-life education. Her work has been featured in publications such as Nursing Clio, The Death Studies Podcast, and the Order of the Good Death.